Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Imaginary Landscapes


During this unit students learn about a variety of landscape artists such as Peter Max, Ted Harrison and Justin Vining. They discuss the different parts of a landscape artwork such as foreground, middle ground, background and horizon line. 

They also practice a variety of acrylic painting techniques before painting their design on canvas. The students love having the freedom to come up with their own imaginary design, while using practiced techniques of their choice. The final artworks are always so colorful and fun! 

Who We Are Mixed Media Artworks

I love starting off the school year with this unit in art class. It is the perfect way to get to know a new group of students by focusing on identity and a variety of mark making techniques. 

The students start off by creating a mind map or brainstorm about themselves in their sketchbooks. They list all of their favorite things, personality, and anything that is important about who they are. 

The students then practice a variety of art techniques to create different patterns and textures. They keep track of the materials and tools they use in their sketchbooks and choose which ones they enjoy the most to add to their final piece. 

The students also learn about Romero Britto and his fun colorful artworks for some artist inspiration. After mind-mapping, material experiments and artist study, students then beginning designing and planning their final mixed media artwork. 

Once their plans are finished, the real magic begins! Here are a few examples of some Grade 5 student work. Aren't they amazing?