Saturday, October 24, 2015

International Dot Day

I love the book "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds, it is such a heartwarming story about how powerful art can be. As I am sure most of you know, International Dot Day takes place on September 15th. It is meant to be a celebration of creativity and individuality. What a perfect thing to acknowledge and celebrate in visual arts class!

During the week of International Dot Day, I read "The Dot" with my P1 and P2 classes and they loved it! After a short discussion of the book and brainstorming all the different types of possible dots that we could make, the students sat at their tables where I had provided paper and a variety of materials for them to choose from. I encouraged them with a line from the story, "Just make a mark, and see where it takes you."

The students had so much fun printing, coloring, and painting a variety of dots on their papers. 

The students were very engaged and took the project very seriously. Everyone wanted to come up with something new and different, not one dot looked the same as the other! 


They really had fun with this, it is definitely a lesson I will teach again!

A few weeks after their beautiful dots were born, I framed them all in 4x6 clear frames. I hung the colorful dots on the wall to make one giant dot, celebrating the students' unique mark making process. The P1-2 classes were thrilled to see their art displayed this way, and I am so proud of their hard work!

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